Saturday, July 3, 2010

A poem by A friend...

Earlier a king, now a creature bleeding,
it take an epic fall for this morphosis.
Yesterday's pride is todays pain,
But todays pride is nobody's gain.
Our eyes are drenched by an illusion,
coz bloody rains look transparent soothing burns.
Coz we feel proud about our own forest ,
that's built on someones shelter from the sun.
We live and they die by the sound of a gun.
The tigers who are black and yellow,
yet their population is small and blanche,
black is fading which colors their shadow.
If tiger's absent doe eyed deer is present,
If the deer's present green is gone.
Earth would be there without no lesions,
if we give some love and trade our swords.

                                                     By:- a friend of mine, who insisted his name not to be mentioned. 

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